Wild Spring Herring
and Sea Wolves
Timed to coincide with the herring run, “One of Natures Great Events” and the
most exciting time to be on the BC Coast!
Guaranteed to be a wild experience.
Herring are one of the keystone species of Coastal BC and witnessing spawning events is an unforgettable experience. Currently, it is estimated that the biomass of Pacific herring is 3 times that of all 5 salmon species combined! The spawning event is so intense the milt (sperm) from the male herring turns the water from a dark green to a tropical blue/green, even white at times. These events attracts all kinds of wildlife in a feeding frenzy that lasts for a few weeks each year.
We anticipate seeing: Humpback whales, Grey whales, harbour seals, sea lions, sea otters, black bears, wolves, a wide variety of sea and shore birds that gather on mass in anticipation of the herring spawn.
The egg masses will stick to the seaweed in the intertidal zone for 10 - 21 days providing a buffet when the tide drops. The weather can be great at this time of year, calm, cool, clear, or it can blow sideways and create amazing storm watching opportunities. Either way, we will be well positioned to safely observe the power of the open ocean and have a warm dry cabin to retire to. This is an adventure not to be missed!